Order Online for Pickup or Delivery, Tue – Thu., 11:30am – 11:30pm
Fri. & Sat. 11;30am – 1:00am

Gourmet Sausages

Taproom featuring Craft Beer, Cider, and Wine

Bethany's Jumbo Paarrrty Pretzels
A World of Sausages
As pirates, we’ve traveled to the four corners of the globe and plundered the richest cargo ships to bring you the world’s best sausages!
Jumbo Parrrty Pretzels
We grill jumbo pretzels on a panini grill. Deliciously crisp on the outside, warm and soft inside. Butter, salt, cinnamon sugar, or mustard included.
Trove of Condiments
What fun is a nekked dog? Dressin’ your sausage with your choice of fixin’s from our treasure trove of a condiment bar is half the fun!
Our Specialty Sausages
Try one of our fantastic, specialty sausages including our flagship, the XO; bacon, BBQ sauce, cream cheese, and grilled onions on the pepper ‘n smoke sausage.